x-hoppers Glossary

x-hoppers Glossary

This glossary includes the most commonly used x-hoppers terms and features and their descriptions.

Created: October 2024

Glossary for other Wildix products: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Aw3OAQ

Permalink: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDxB


On this page, you can find the list of most commonly used x-hoppers terms and their descriptions.


  • AI Assistant: a set of smart features, e.g. possibility to ask a question about a product and get an instant AI-powered answer based on its knowledge base right into x-hoppers headset, make a call via a headset etc.

  • AIVA (AI Video Alerts): functionality for real-time AI-theft detection and prevention.

  • Broadcast: a channel in which shop assistants are connected to one another and in which they receive notifications (e.g. about help required at a certain area, etc.).

  • Colleague ID / Employee ID: usually mapped directly to the extension number when using voice authentication feature.

  • Controller: refers to PBX (Private Branch Exchange), a communications system used within a store to handle x-hoppers broadcast, inbound and outbound calls, smart notifications, etc.

  • Dial-by-name login: the logic of assigning headsets, when users pronounce their name or Colleague ID and automatically get assigned to the headset.

  • Message broadcast facility: a portal where it is possible to send a message into a broadcast through TTS. The messages can be sent ad hoc and on a schedule.

  • Message drop: the ability to send a message that will be played to a user or a set of users when they first join the broadcast.

  • Push-to-talk: the feature allows to send voice messages to x-hoppers broadcast right from mobile, with the use of x-bees application and receive messages from the broadcast to x-bees on mobile.

  • Smart notifications: instant alerts sent to store associates in x-hoppers broadcast, when specific events are triggered, e.g. assistance required at a certain smart call point, a security alert, etc. This functionality can be integrated with various devices, including cameras, call buttons, POS systems via a dedicated Smart Notifications API.

  • Smart call points: QR code or tablet-based till points, which allow e.g. to create QR codes linked to some products, departments or set up a tablet and use them to notify store associates that assistance is required in some area. x-hoppers system logs each time a QR code is scanned or a tablet is used and sends a message to a broadcast.

  • Voice footprint: the hash of a voice sample gathered during onboarding, used during voice authentication process.

  • Voice authentication: the logic of assigning x-hoppers headsets to users via voice footprint. After pronouncing the phrase “my voice is my password”, the system matches a user’s voice with a pre-saved voice footprint and assigns the headset. This eliminates the risk of user logging in under a different name.

  • Voice bots: feature that allows automated responses and routes customer queries via bot assistance.

  • x-hoppers admin: a web interface, also called Wildix Management System (WMS) that is integrated into the Controller (PBX), where multiple configurations can be done, e.g. managing users, devices, configuring Dialplan, setting up QR codes, Voice Bots, and other options according to your store requirements.

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