x-hoppers Quick Start Guide for the admin

x-hoppers Quick Start Guide for the admin

This guide is a Quick Start Guide that contains the basic information on how to set up an x-hoppers system and its basic functionalities in thirty minutes.

For the advanced scenarios please refer to other guides of the Admin Documentation section.

This Quick Start Guide is intended for system administrators with advanced knowledge on:

  • Wildix systems and WMS (W-FE certification)

  • Wildix W-AIR Systems

Created: August 2024

Updated: December 2024

Permalink: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bQBlAg

Before starting to set up the system, put the x-hoppers headsets into the charger to start charging them. The headsets need at least 10 hours before they are fully charged.

Step 1. Basic x-hoppers admin setup

Access x-hoppers admin interface of your x-hoppers system:

  1. x-hoppers admin -> Users: Change the admin password on the system

  2. x-hoppers admin -> Users: Make sure you set up the admin email for notifications

  3. x-hoppers admin -> System -> Upgrade: Update the system to the latest stable version from rel60 repository

  4. x-hoppers admin -> System -> NTP Server: Make sure the time and date of the PBX are correct and synced with the NTP Server

  5. x-hoppers admin -> PBX -> Language & Region: Make sure you set up the default language of the PBX correctly, as well as default tone zone, country code, time zone and the sound packages

For more detailed information, consult WMS Start Guide.

Step 2. Create users

  1. x-hoppers admin -> Users: Create users and assign them the correct x-hoppers licenses. Make sure you add email addresses

  2. x-hoppers admin -> Users -> Groups: Make sure ACL permissions are set up correctly

Step 3. Provision and update W-AIR bases

  1. Make sure the W-AIR Base station is provisioned

  2. (For Multi Cell Base Stations) x-hoppers admin -> Devices -> W-AIR Networks: Create a W-AIR Network, then go back to x-hoppers admin -> Devices and make sure to Configure / Sync the base station; reboot the base station

  3. Go to x-hoppers admin -> Devices and make sure the firmware of the base station is up to date

Step 4. Register and update headsets


  1. Register the headsets one by one: press Push-to-Talk, Volume Up and Volume Down buttons at the same time and keep them pressed for at least 5 seconds

  1. When the headset is in registration mode, the LED indicator blinks with short blue flashes and a voice prompt announces “Registering

  2. The headset connects to the Base Station. When the headset is subscribed, the voice prompt announces “Headset subscribed”

  3. Proceed with other headsets. After the registration, all the headsets are listed in x-hoppers admin -> W-AIR devices tab. Now you also see their battery level:

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 13.55.02_censored.jpg

Firmware update:

  • The headsets start updating the firmware automatically after they are registered to the base station and placed into the charger. Access the W-AIR base stations' web interface (“Extensions” tab) to check the progress

Assigning to users:

  • Navigate to x-hoppers admin -> Devices -> W-AIR Devices to assign the headsets to users

Step 5. Dialplan setup

  1. Navigate to Dialplan menu, Dialplan rules tab and modify the users Dialplan by adding the following two called numbers:

    • *Wairhotline*: this string is dialed automatically when the headset is taken off the charging station

    • *wair*: this string is dialed to bring the headset back to the broadcast, e.g. after ending a call, or after using AI Assistant (ChatGPT)

Here’s an example of how to configure the Dialplan with these two called numbers:

  • *Wairhotline*

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc

  • *wair*

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Speech to text -> insert Please unmute and say question for Chat GPT, or wait to join the broadcast or any customized text

    • Jump to if -> "${RECOGNITION_RESULT}"="question" -> select ChatGPT procedure

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. Make sure it’s the same Conference ID that you specified under *Wairhotline*

Demo of the broadcast and push-to-talk

Headset Overview



Join the broadcast

The headset automatically joins the broadcast once left up from the charging station.  

If the headset goes out of range or has been removed from the broadcast, it automatically rejoins the broadcast within 5 seconds of becoming available again.

Speak in the broadcast

There are two options to mute/ unmute to speak in the broadcast:

  • Push-to-talk mode: press and hold the Push-to-talk button to get unmuted. You stay unmuted only while pressing the button. When the button is released, the headset goes back to mute. This mode is recommended for passing short messages.

  • Handsfree mode: press the Mute button to unmute and be able to speak in the broadcast. All people in the broadcast can hear you. You stay unmuted till the Mute button is pressed again or till the headset is placed on the charger. This mode is recommended in case your hands are busy and you need to speak for a longer period of time.

Answer an incoming call

  • Double-press the Push-to-talk button to answer an incoming call and put yourself on hold in the broadcast. 

Same as in the broadcast, the headset stay muted by default. To unmute and speak to the caller, you have two options:

  • Press the Mute button to put yourself in a hands-free mode. This mode is recommended to have a normal lengthy conversation.

  • Otherwise, press and hold the Push-to-talk button every time you speak to the caller. This mode is recommended for short conversations.


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