x-hoppers Green Box Documentation

x-hoppers Green Box Documentation

This guide provides instructions for setting up, configuring and demonstrating the capabilities of x-hoppers Green Box.

Created: August 2023

Updated: March 2025

Permalink: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BgBJ


x-hoppers is a retail communication system that uses headsets to keep your store associates connected on the shop floor. Team members can communicate instantly through an always-on broadcast by pressing a push-to-talk button, ensuring quick responses to questions, tasks and alerts. Beyond internal communication, x-hoppers also:

  • Helps customers interact with products and request assistance through smart call points

  • Integrates AI for better service

  • Connects in-store devices like cameras and till points etc

  • Provides real-time theft detection and prevention

  • Supports external communication with customers, suppliers and vendors through a mobile app or a web platform

x-hoppers Green Box serves as a demonstration kit that showcases the capabilities and advantages of the system. It's a comprehensive package that includes all the essential components needed to simulate its functionality in real-world scenarios.

What is inside the Box

x-hoppers-the box content.png

x-hoppers Box content




W-AIR Headset (2 earhooks, 2 neckbands, 2 headbands)


W-AIR Headset MultiCharger


W-AIR Small Business Base Station









The Box also includes chargers, plugs and x-hoppers keychain.

Licensing explanation


SalesFloorHopper + AI

SuperHopper + AI

For administration and support roles that are not client-facing

For retail assistants working on the shop floor

For managers and supervisors

  • Internal chats and meetings and external calls

  • Full-scale customer communication via chats, calls, meetings and website widget

  • CRM integrations

  • Contact center event logging

  • Internal broadcast channel

  • Voice authentication

  • Customer service powered by AI prompts

  • Full-scale customer communication via chats, calls, meetings and website widget

  • CRM integrations

  • Contact center event logging and stats

  • Wallboard and analytics

  • Sales Intelligence

  • Customer service powered by AI prompts

Besides the hardware components within the Box, you also get:

  • a PBX, functioning as the central communication system to configure all aspects of your demonstrations

  • CLASSOUND DID, enabling remote joining of broadcasts using any device

Upon ordering x-hoppers Green Box, you will receive all the necessary information, such as PBX domain, credentials and CLASSOUND DID, via email.

Assemble the Box

Note that W-AIR Small Business Base Station is already provisioned to your PBX and listed in x-hoppers admin Devices menu, Devices tab.

Step 1. Unpack the box

Before starting to set up the system, put the x-hoppers headsets into the charger to start charging them. The headsets need at least 10 hours before they are fully charged.

When unpacking x-hoppers Green Box, please be aware that it consists of two layers, each with specific contents:

Top Layer:

  • Six x-hoppers headsets

  • x-hoppers keychain

Bottom Layer:

  • MultiCharger for six headsets

  • W-AIR Small Business Base Station

  • Power supply for the base station and plugs

Step 2. Connect and update the base

  1. Power up the base station

  2. Go to x-hoppers admin -> Devices and make sure it’s provisioned and it’s firmware is up to date

How to find the IP of the W-AIR base station? The easiest way is to use a W-AIR handset:

  1. Turn on the handset

  2. Press “Menu” key

  3. Type *47* (*ip*)


Step 3. Register and update the headsets

  1. Put a headset in the registration mode by pressing Push-to-Talk, Volume Up and Volume Down buttons at the same time and keeping them pressed for more than 5 seconds. When the headset is in registration mode, the LED indicator blinks with short blue flashes and a voice prompt announces “Registering

  2. The headset connects to the Base Station. When the headset is subscribed, the voice prompt announces “Headset subscribed”

  3. Proceed with other headsets. After the registration, all the headsets are listed in x-hoppers admin -> W-AIR devices tab. You can now check the battery level of the headsets:

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 13.55.02_censored.jpg


  1. After successful registration of x-hoppers headsets, put them into the Charger to update firmware. You can check the progress on the web interface of the W-AIR base


It is recommended to update the firmware of the headsets one by one or in groups of two. Updating six headsets simultaneously might take a long time.

For additional information consult W-AIR Headset User Guide, “Update of the Firmware” section.

Basic settings

Before proceeding with the setup, change the admin password and upgrade your PBX from rel60beta.

Step 1. Map Green Box to the PBX

By following this procedure, you ensure that your x-hoppers Green Box is correctly mapped to the appropriate PBX:

  1. Access x-hoppers admin and navigate to Users menu

  2. Create a user profile with the following parameters:

    • Role -> Admin

    • Full Name -> DemoFlowUser

    • Extension -> 100

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 15.14.46.png
  1. Navigate to PBX menu, Integrations -> Applications -> Simple Token tab

  2. Create a token for the user 100 and copy its key

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 11.05.54.jpg
  1. Scan any QR code located on the inner side of the Box’s cover

  2. After scanning, you are redirected to a web page where you need to insert the necessary data to map the Box to your PBX (you can find the required data in the email we sent you):

    • Your company name

    • PBX domain name

    • Simple Token key

Set your preferred language for the mapping and Help Points interfaces (see “Basic scenarios” chapter). If you need to change the language, please contact support.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 13.04.10_censored.jpg

Once the mapping process is completed, you can proceed to the further setup

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 12.58.54.png

You can always verify which PBX your particular box is mapped to by following this link:

Step 2. Create users

  1. Access x-hoppers admin and navigate to Users menu

  2. Create user profiles for every user of the system. Since you have nine licenses, it is recommended you create nine users:

    • six users with x-hoppers-SalesFloorHopper license (you will assign six x-hoppers headsets to these users)

    • one user with x-hoppers-SuperHopper license (the manager’s license)

    • optionally you can create two additional users with x-hoppers-BackOffice license

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 15.49.56.png

Detailed description on how to create users can be found in WMS Start Guide, “Adding users manually” section.

Step 3. Assign headsets

  1. Navigate to Devices menu, W-AIR devices tab

  2. Assign the headsets to the six users with “SalesFloorHopper” license

  3. Alternatively, users can use voice authentication and say their name to log in to the headset, check How to set up Voice Authentication for x-hoppers for details

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 10.42.58.png

Detailed description on how to assign W-AIR Headsets can be found in x-hoppers Admin Guide, “Assign headsets to PBX users” section.

Set up the broadcast

Step 1. Configure the broadcast Dialplan

  1. Navigate to Dialplan menu, Dialplan rules tab and modify the users Dialplan by adding the following two called numbers:

    • *Wairhotline*: this string is dialed automatically when the headset is taken off the charging station

    • *wair*: this string is dialed to bring the headset back to the broadcast, e.g. after ending a call, or to access AI Assistant, Dial-by-name option

Here’s an example of how to configure the Dialplan with these two called numbers:

  • *Wairhotline*

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc

  • *wair*

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. Make sure it’s the same Conference ID that you specified under *Wairhotline*

Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 14.24.15.png

Step 2. Demo the broadcast and push-to-talk

Headset Overview




Join the broadcast

The headset automatically joins the broadcast once left up from the charging station.  

If the headset goes out of range or has been removed from the broadcast, it automatically rejoins the broadcast within 5 seconds of becoming available again.

Speak in the broadcast

There are two options to mute/ unmute to speak in the broadcast:

  • Push-to-talk mode: press and hold the Push-to-talk button to get unmuted. You stay unmuted only while pressing the button. When the button is released, the headset goes back to mute. This mode is recommended for passing short messages.

  • Handsfree mode: press the Mute button to unmute and be able to speak in the broadcast. All people in the broadcast can hear you. You stay unmuted till the Mute button is pressed again or till the headset is placed on the charger. This mode is recommended in case your hands are busy and you need to speak for a longer period of time.

Answer an incoming call

  • Double-press the Push-to-talk button to answer an incoming call and put yourself on hold in the broadcast. 

Same as in the broadcast, the headset stay muted by default. To unmute and speak to the caller, you have two options:

  • Press the Mute button to put yourself in a hands-free mode. This mode is recommended to have a normal lengthy conversation.

  • Otherwise, press and hold the Push-to-talk button every time you speak to the caller. This mode is recommended for short conversations.

Consult the x-hoppers headset User Guide for more information.

Wildix desk phones can also join the broadcast, as long as they are connected to the same PBX. We suggest connecting SuperVision (specifically relevant for managers), assigning it to the manager user (x-hoppers-SuperHopper license) and joining the broadcast via one of the following options:

  • Dial the feature code for Conference access (98 by default) + the conference room number. Example: 981 for conference room number 1

  • Alternatively, configure Dialplan so that when users dial a certain number, e.g. 333, the call is automatically put into the broadcast

In case you need to join several broadcasts, you can set a dedicated Function key to enter each broadcast.

Configure Help Points

In the Green Box demonstration we have four help point scenarios. On the inner side of the Box’s cover you can find three QR codes for the following demo scenarios:

  • Help Point 1 (QR code 1): Customer is looking for help in a specific area of a shop. Automatic audio notification is played to the broadcast

  • Help Point 2 (QR code 2): Customer is looking for help with a specific product. Automatic audio notification is played to the broadcast

  • Help Point 3 (QR code 3): Direct call via WebRTC Kite to the call group where a customer can talk directly with a headset user.

Also, you can demonstrate the scenario with click & collect service using a tablet or a laptop (you will have to open a web browser to show this scenario):

  • Help Point 4 (web browser): Customer enters any number into the input field for click & collect service. Automatic audio notification is played to the broadcast notifying the users that customer arrived to collect the order with that number (with the number inserted by the customer).

You can demonstrate Help Point 1 and Help Point 3 scenario on a tablet as well (by opening a dedicated web page).

Configuration of Help Points 1, 2 and 4 (click & collect)

  1. Download and import the following Dialplan procedures in Dialplan rules tab , where:

    • XHoppersHelpPoints is required for playing audio notifications to the broadcast when one of the following help points is triggered: QR 1, QR 2, Help Point 4 (click & collect)

    • clickcollect is required for demonstrating Help Point 4 scenario (click & collect service). In this procedure you can customize the audio notification for click & collect service.

By default, notifications are played in English. Make sure you set up your preferred language in the two imported Dialplans.

  1. Navigate to General Settings tab, under Set dialplan variables, set the following variables and click Save button:

    • HelpPoint1=Help point 1 is triggered. Customer is looking for help in fresh fruits area

    • HelpPoint2=QR 2 is scanned. Customer is looking for more info about WorkForce phone

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 18.30.04.png

With the variable HelpPointX, where X is a help point ID, you can customize the content of audio notifications played to the broadcast, and create any additional help points if needed. Please note that Help points 1-10 are preserved so you need to start adding from HelpPoint11.

To customize the audio notification that is played to the broadcast when Help Point 4 is triggered (click & collect), edit the imported procedure “clickcollect”

Configuration of Help Point 3 (direct Kite call)

  1. Navigate to Call Groups tab and create a new call group. Make sure to activate Call waiting option when configuring the Call group strategy, so its members can receive more than one call at a time (consult the documentation for detailed guidance on how to create Call groups)

  2. Proceed to Dialplan rules tab and select kite Dialplan procedure

  3. Add 223344 as the called number, add “Call group” Dialplan application under the called number → Select the Call group you just created

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 11.09.00.png

Help Point 3 (QR 3 of the box) is set up to dial the number 223344, so with this configuration in the kite Dialplan, the call is sent to the call group directly via WebRTC Kite.

You can find more information on WebRTC Kite and on this specific scenario in the WebRTC Kite Admin Guide (chapter “Create Kite link for direct call”)

You have the flexibility to create your own help points, allowing you to showcase scenarios where customers can be redirected to specific links after scanning QR codes. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Scan any existing QR code within the Box to retrieve its link

  2. Add &redirect=https://URL to the retrieved link and insert action_id

  3. Alternatively, you can use the provided link: https://www.x-hoppers.com/demo/?box_id=X&key=X&action_id=X&redirect=https://URL . Remember to replace X with your specific box_id, key, action_id, and add your desired redirect URL.

By following these steps, you will be able to generate a customized QR code that includes your desired redirect link.

Demo of Help Points

Help Point 1. Help is required in a specific area 

This use case involves triggering a help point (QR code or tablet) when customers need assistance in a specific area, for example, the fresh fruits section of a store. 

To demonstrate:

  • Trigger QR code 1 or follow the link designed for tablets https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=X&key=X&action_id=1 (insert your own box_id and key instead of X)

  • Upon triggering the help point, x-hoppers system sends an audio alert

  • Users who are wearing W-AIR headsets hear a prompt through the broadcast channel. The prompt informs about the specific help point that was triggered and the assistance required. For example, the prompt could be: "QR 1 is scanned. Customer is looking for help in the fresh fruits area." (it is specified in x-hoppers admin Dialplan -> General Settings)

  • Simultaneously, after triggering the help point, x-hoppers displays a message to customers indicating that their request for help was received and is being addressed

Help Point 2. Customer is interested in a specific product 

This scenario is applicable for demonstrating QR code usage only.

In this use case, a help point is designed to provide customers with detailed information about a specific product. When scanned, the QR code directs customers to a webpage where they can learn more about the product they're interested in.

To demonstrate:

  1. Scan the QR code 2

  2. Upon scanning the QR code, x-hoppers system sends an audio alert

  3. Users who are wearing W-AIR headsets hear a prompt that informs them about the specific QR code being scanned and a customer's product interest. For example, the prompt might be: "QR 2 is scanned. Customer is looking for more information about the Workforce phone." (it is specified in x-hoppers admin Dialplan -> General Settings)

  4. Simultaneously, after scanning the QR code, x-hoppers redirects customers to a predefined webpage https://www.wildix.com/product/voip-phones-and-headset/ related to the product, where they can access its detailed information

How-to change the redirect URL:

  • To the link designed for tablets https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=X&key=X&action_id=4 (where you insert your own box_id and key instead of X), add the following part:
    &redirect=URL (in place of "URL", enter your link, starting with http:// or https://)

  • Please note that in this case you will have to re-create the QR code(s)

Help point 3. Direct Kite call for assistance

In this scenario, Help point 3 is designed to enable customers to initiate a direct call for immediate assistance.

To demonstrate:

  1. Trigger QR code 3 or follow the link designed for tablets https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=X&key=X&action_id=3 (insert your own box_id and key instead of X)

  2. Upon triggering the help point, the system redirects customers to Kite web page

  3. After entering customer’s name, a call is placed automatically to a pre-configured call group

  4. Retail assistants within the call group receive the call and are alerted to the customer's request for assistance

  5. Double-press Call button to answer the call, double-press AUX Function button to finish the call

Tablet scenarios and Click and Collect service

To showcase tablet scenarios, you do not need to have an actual tablet, you can use a web version by using the link:

Out of the box we support tablet scenarios for Help Point 1 (ask for expert personnel), Help Point 3 (ask for audio assistance) and Help Point 4 (click&collect) and we have dedicated web pages that you need to open in the browser to showcase these scenarios:

  • Help Point 1: same as QR code 1, this scenario enables customer to ask for expert personnel, but instead of scanning a QR code, customer has to tap on a glowing button.

The web page URL for this scenario is: https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=xxx&key=yyy&action_id=1

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 13.36.06.png
  • Help Point 3: same as QR code 3, this scenario enables customer to ask for audio assistance (direct call via Kite) from a tablet.

The web page URL for this scenario is: https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=xxx&key=yyy&action_id=3

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 13.39.40.png
  • Help Point 4: customer has to enter the order number into the input field for click & collect service. Automatic audio notification is played to the broadcast notifying the users that customer arrived to collect the order with that number (with the number inserted by the customer).

To demonstrate:

  1. Open the following URL in the browser: https://x-hoppers-tablet.wildix.com/?box_id=X&key=X&action_id=4

  2. Enter a number into the input field and tap on the glowing button

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 15.44.52.png

Automatic notification is sent to the headsets informing store associates that customer arrived to collect a certain order (you can customize the message in clickcollect Dialplan procedure)

Additional scenarios

Chat conversation with transcriptions

Configure chat conversation and transcriptions

All the messages exchanged in the broadcast can be posted to a dedicated chat, where each message is transcribed and an audio file is attached.

Follow the steps below to set up the chat and automatic transcriptions:

  1. Log in to x-bees and create x-bees conversation with all the users participating in the broadcast and the manager user. In the next step, you will need to copy its ID

Detailed description on how to create x-bees conversations can be found in x-bees User Guide, “Conversations” section.

x-hoppers Green Box-x-bees channel.png
  1. Open the terminal on the PBX. To gather and post transcriptions of conversations, use these commands in Terminal:

    • create directory /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d

      mkdir /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d
    • add the following key to the file 

      nano-tiny /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pbx_data_engine.py --daemon -cr
    • add the following data to /rw2/etc/pbx/x-hoppers.json file

      [ { "audio_conf_id": "2", "xbees_channel_id": "f6d17593-98b6-471d-941a-cd03153f" } ]
    • where:

      • audio_conf_id: ID of the audio broadcast channel in x-hoppers where the communication takes place

      • xbees_channel_id: ID of the x-bees conversation, where the content will be posted

    • reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

      systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Demonstrate how transcriptions work

After you set up the transcriptions, the system automatically records and transcribes all the messages exchanged in the broadcast. Transcriptions and attached audio files are automatically posted to the chat conversation.

You can demonstrate how it works by opening the relevant chat conversation on the mobile app (download the “x-bees by Wildix” app from the Apple store or Google Play Market) or in the web browser.

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 11.06.15.png

Configure AI Assistant

Integrating Voice bots with x-hoppers allows for intelligent question-answer interactions, enhancing customer support and information sharing. In this demo, you can showcase how users can ask questions and receive answers from the open sources.

In the basic demo scenario we demonstrate how AI Assistant can find answers to simple questions available in open sources. In the real retail environment, you can connect the x-hoppers AI Assistant to the database/ knowledge base.

To configure Voice bot, follow instructions in the guide How to set up Voice Bot for x-hoppers.

Make sure to include the Voice bot to the *wair* called number in the Dialplan:

  • *wair*

    • Set -> Codecs -> alaw

    • Set -> Language -> choose the language

    • Voice Bot application -> choose the Voice Bot


Demonstrate AI Assistant

Integrating Voice bot with x-hoppers allows for intelligent question-answer interactions, enhancing customer support and information sharing. In this demo, you can showcase how users can ask questions and receive answers.

To demonstrate:

  1. When x-hoppers headset is in the broadcast, double-press the AUX function button on the headset

  2. Ask a question, for example:

    • Could you compare and contrast the following two products: an Asus Vivobook 15 and a Samsung Galaxy Book 3?

    • Which induction hobs can be plugged in and which must be wired in directly?

    • Is the discontinued EXPEDIT series compatible with KALLAX?

    • Are Kraft Jet-Puffed brand marshmallows kosher? Are they halal?

    • Are there any allergens present in Naked Fruit and Nut bars?

  3. x-hoppers, powered by the AI tool, processes the question and generates an appropriate response based on its knowledge base. The response is then played back to you audibly through the broadcast channel.

  4. You can ask another question or rejoin the broadcast by asking the AI Assistant “Join broadcast” or “Rejoin broadcast”.

Dial-by-name for calling colleagues

Set up Dial-by-name

The Dial-by-name feature allows store associates initiate a call to a colleague right via x-hoppers headset.

Note: To use Dial-by-name, you need to configure a Voice bot. For detailed instructions, check out this guide How to set up Voice Bot for x-hoppers .

To enable Dial-by-name option, follow the instructions below:

  • In Voice bot settings add the Transfer tool 

  • Fill out the fields of the Transfer section:

  1. Description: enter instructions for the transfer, e.g. “Transfer the call if someone says to call, ring, or dial the extension number or name of the colleague from the same organization”

  2. Context: enter the name of the Dialplan to which the call should be transferred
    Note: This Dialplan should include the Dial the phone application:

  1. Destination: select the option Directory, in this case the AI utilizes the Organization Directory

  2. Pipeline: choose if the Voice bot should generate a reply and transfer the call or transfer the call without replying


Make sure this Voice bot is added to the *wair* section of x-hoppers Dialpan, so that store associates can access the Voice bot from the headset and use the Dial-by-name feature:

  • Set -> Codecs -> alaw, ulaw
    Voice bot can be used only with alaw/ ulaw codecs.

  • Set -> Language -> select the language

  • Add Voice Bot application -> choose the necessary Voice Bot from the list


Demonstrate how Dial-by-name works

When x-hoppers headset is in the broadcast:

  1. Double-press the AUX Function button

  2. After the welcome message, press and hold the Push-to-talk button to unmute yourself

  3. Ask to make a call a colleague, providing the colleague ID or name, e.g. “Make a call to 335” or “Call John Doe”

The x-hoppers system processes the request and initiates a call to the necessary colleague.

External calls with your CLASSOUND DID

Dialplan configuration for managing external calls

Check your CLASSOUND DID in the email that you have received

  1. Download the Dialplan and import it to the Dialplan rules tab (required for dialing into x-hoppers broadcasts remotely)

  2. Modify the classound Dialplan by adding CLASSOUND DID as a called number and add the following Dialplan applications:

    • Set -> Codec -> alaw

    • Record a call -> specify an email

    • Jump to -> select “IVR for xhoppers” procedure

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 18.11.44_censored.jpg
  1. Modify the IVR for xhoppers Dialplan by specifying extensions, Call groups, audio files etc present on your PBX

For Message For Operator, you can create your own audio files using TTS in x-hoppers admin Sounds or upload these files:

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 17.30.13.png

If you need to customize Dialplan procedures to your specific language, install a dedicated sound package that corresponds to your language in x-hoppers admin Settings -> PBX -> Language & Region and make changes for the following Dialplan applications:

  • Set -> Language

  • Play sound

  • Speech to text

Demonstrate how to join the broadcast remotely from PSTN

One of the remarkable features of x-hoppers system is its ability to allow users to join any broadcast from any location using any device. By dialling into x-hoppers demonstrations line via PSTN, for example, you are presented with a menu of choices to engage with the system and join specific broadcasts, allowing for flexible and accessible participation.

To demonstrate:

  1. Dial CLASSOUND DID from an external device

  2. Choose one of the options from the interactive menu:

    • Option 1: Ring all retail assistants in Call group. By pressing 1, you initiate a broadcast to all users in a specific Call group. This option is ideal for scenarios where a general announcement or message needs to be communicated to all users simultaneously

    • Option 2: Hunt through Call group with Priority or Round Robin strategy. By pressing 2, you trigger a call routing mechanism that hunts through each user connected to a specific Call group in a predefined order. This option is suitable for customer care scenarios where callers need to be connected to representatives consecutively until a successful connection is established

    • Option 3: Call directly to a single user. By selecting 3, you directly contact a specific user, typically a manager or designated contact person. This option allows for one-on-one communication and is useful for private conversations

    • Option 4: Join broadcast 1. Pressing 4 enables you to join the first broadcast. This option grants the ability to participate in a specific broadcast session and communicate with all users simultaneously

    • Option 5: Join broadcast 2. Pressing 5 enables you to join the second broadcast, extending the capability to address a different group of users simultaneously

It is possible to make announcement in x-hoppers broadcast to users of specific Departments only. Read more in the documentation: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQAt (see the section “Make announcement to users of specific departments”)

Retail Analytics

x-hoppers offers a dedicated Analytics feature that provides detailed statistics about the system’s usage. By monitoring these metrics, managers can gain insights into the time distribution of retail assistants in conferences, including the total time spent, wait time, and talk time, as well as view statistics per each separate store, including the number of active users, average and total talk time and monitor the usage of help points, both tablets and QR codes. Such information can be valuable for analyzing productivity and optimizing conference management to improve efficiency.

To access x-hoppers Analytics, follow these steps:

  • Open x-bees and navigate to Analytics menu, Liveboards tab

  • Select “x-hoppers: Agents Stats” Liveboard to view Agents or Stores Stats or

  • Select “Demo: x-hoppers HelpPoints” Liveboard to demonstrate the usage of help points. Note, that stats for this report are artificially generated. To show the real stats per a specific PBX, select “x-hoppers HelpPoints”

Tip: To generate statistics for multiple stores, it is necessary to have multiple active conferences.

Access to the Analytics tab is granted to the manager user (x-hoppers-SuperHopper license)

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 18.41.35.png
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 18.16.18.png

Detailed description of x-hoppers Analytics can be found in x-hoppers Analytics.

Voice-Enabled User Authentication

Retail assistants can log in to the broadcast via speech-to-text and verify their identity by voice footprint (either for all users or for users of specific Departments only).

Explore how to enable and demonstrate this feature in the documentation: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AwAU

Push-to-talk from mobile app

This option allows sending of voice messages to x-hoppers broadcast from the mobile app (x-bees by Wildix mobile app can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play Market. Users can send voice messages to x-hoppers broadcast via mobile and receive broadcast messages to x-bees conversation, having them played automatically in Speaker mode. 

Explore how to enable and demonstrate this feature in the documentation x-hoppers Guide for Managers


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