x-hoppers Changelog (WMS 7)
x-hoppers Changelog: new features and improvements for x-hoppers, available with WMS 7.
Created: February 2025
WMS 7 changelog: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYCVQ
Update repository: rel70beta
x-hoppers Date: 20.02.2025
New Feature
Note: The changes are available in WMS Beta 7.01.20250219.1
[WMS-21972] - sys: extended x-hoppers Smart Notifications API with possibility to play a private message to a user connected to the broadcast
For private messages, include the relevant user’s extension in the extension value of the API endpoint.
In case there is a public message announced in the broadcast, the private message is played to the user after the current public message finishes. The consequent public messages continue to be played in the broadcast while the user listens to the private message.
In case the user is not in the broadcast (e.g. has an incoming call, muted the broadcast or is using AI assistant), the private message is played when the user returns to the broadcast.
API documentation: https://docs.wildix.com/api-reference/rest/wms/pbx/#/operations/addSmartNotification
[WMS-20693] - xhop: improved the logic of Push-to-talk feature, so that it is enabled by default on PBX with x-hoppers license
With the update, it is no longer needed to modify the override.conf file to enable the feature.
Documentation will be updated soon: https://x-hoppers.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYAx
[WMS-22441] - x-hop: improved voice authentication by adding possibility to allow guest users to sign into x-hoppers headset
Note: For the feature to work, virtual users should be configured (see details in the “Configure virtual users” section of the guide How to set up Voice Authentication for x-hoppers )
Add the following variable to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variables field:
Where “custom word/phrase” is the word /phrase that a guest user should pronounce to be logged into x-hoppers headset.Once the system detects the word/ phrase, the user hears the default audio prompt "Guest login key phrase recognised" and is automatically logged in as a virtual user.
If you wish to change the default audio prompt to a custom one, add the following variable to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variables
Documentation will be updated soon: How to set up Voice Authentication for x-hoppers