Versions Compared


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This guide explains how to configure Retail mode for x-hoppers – Wildix wireless headset solution that allows fast and easy communication for retail stores.

Created: May 2022

Updated: June September 2024



Also, x-hoppers offers an integrated QR code system, which can provide store clerks with instant buyer alerts and lets you gather analytics on customer engagement. The system logs each occasion of scanning a QR code by customer. To set up the QR code system, you need to create dedicated pages on your web server, each page devoted either to a category of products or a separate product. Then, generate QR code for each of these pages, print and attach them wherever required in the store, letting customers request for assistance right on the spot. See more in the “QR code system” section of this guide.


  1. WMS 6 An x-hoppers system on WMS 6

  2. W-AIR DECT Network components: W-AIR Base stations and repeaters. Amount depends on the store area and the number of users


Some points to consider before deploying x-hoppers licenses can be ordered in Wildix Partner Community. The following licenses are available:










SalesFloorHopper + AI


SuperHopper + AI


Ideal for: 


For SIP devices


Administration and support users who don't face customers 


Customer care, contact center, users who need access to integrations 


Retail assistants who work on the shop floor


Retail assistants who work on the shop floor


Managers and supervisors


Free minutes for outbound calls


100 min


3000 min


3000 min


3000 min


3000 min


3000 min


SMS included


100 sms


200 sms


1000 sms


1000 sms


1000 sms


1000 sms


Chats and videoconferencing








Using x-bees apps








  • How much bandwidth is available on the site for the headsets 

G711 uses about 80 kbps. Every time a headset is lifted off the cradle, there is an audio stream from the headset to the Base station and from the Base station to the PBX. 

  • Is there a benefit in using Hardware PBX as a Proxy to connect to base stations

If Hardware or Virtual PBX is on the same subnet as the Base stations, you can proxy through the PBX to the Base stations and access them easily. Another benefit for Hardware PBX: e.g. if the internet goes down, and there is a hardware PBX, x-hoppers still continues working.


x-hoppers licenses can be ordered in Wildix Partner Community. The following licenses are available:






SalesFloorHopper + AI

SuperHopper + AI

Ideal for: 

For SIP devices

Administration and support users who don't face customers 

Customer care, contact center, users who need access to integrations 

Retail assistants who work on the shop floor

Retail assistants who work on the shop floor

Managers and supervisors

Free minutes for outbound calls

100 min

3000 min

3000 min

3000 min

3000 min

3000 min

SMS included

100 sms

200 sms

1000 sms

1000 sms

1000 sms

1000 sms

Chats and videoconferencing

Using x-bees apps

Adding guests to conversations


Personal contact-me link, meeting scheduler, website widget

Website widget setup

Max number of devices / calls

Up to 1 device / 2 calls

Up to 10 devices / 4 calls

Up to 10 devices / 8 calls

Up to 10 devices / 8 calls 
(max 2 calls on DECT headset) 

Up to 10 devices / 8 calls
(max 2 calls on DECT headset)

Up to 10 devices / 8 calls 

Contact center events logging

DECT headset included

Internal broadcast channel

Customer service powered by AI prompts

Wallboard and analytics



Documentation: WMS Start Guide: Devices management.

4. Configure Dialplan 

Modify the users dialplan as follows: 


x-hoppers headsets dial two different strings:

  • *Wairhotline*: dialled when the headset is removed from the cradle

  • *wair*: dialled automatically to bring the headset to the broadcast in other cases e.g. after receiving a call, when using AI Assistant

Modify the users dialplan as follows to include both dial strings: 

  1. Click Add number

  2. Enter *Wairhotline*


Note: It is the value which is dialled by the headset in the Retail mode. This value is default and should not be changed.

  1. Add the below Dialplan applications:

    • Set -> Language Codecs -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any numberalaw

    • (optional) Set -> Tags -> enter tag name, e.g. hotline
      Tags allow to monitor data in CDR-View, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. 



Documentation: Dialplan Applications - Admin Guide.

Joining the Broadcast from Other Devices

Wildix desk phones can also join the broadcast, as long as they are connected to the same PBX. There are two options:

  • A user should dial the feature code for Conference access (98 by default) + the conference room number. Example: 981 for conference room number 1.

  • Alternatively, a Dialplan can be configured so that when users dial a certain number, e.g. 333, the call is automatically put into the broadcast.


    • what time the headset was in use, when taken off the cradle, when left the broadcast.

    • Set -> Music on hold -> choose silence
      In case you don’t set Music on hold silent, when there is only one person in the broadcast, there would be the default music on hold instead of silence.

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.

      x-hoppers-configure-users-dialplan.pngImage Added

Documentation: Dialplan Applications - Admin Guide.

Modifying the timeout of broadcast mute

Starting from WMS 6.06.20240315.1, users have possibility to mute the broadcast by double-pressing the Call button. By default, the broadcast gets muted for 60 seconds. If user wants to unmute the broadcast before the 60-second timeout, user can double-press the Call button again. 

The default timeout can be customized. To do this:

  1. Add the following line to the file /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf: 

Code Block
# nano-tiny /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf

Where 120 is the custom timeout. If you want to disable the timeout, set the value to 0:

Code Block
  1. Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

Code Block
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Note: For WMS versions prior to 6.07, instead of XHOP_UNHOLD_TIMEOUT, the parameter UNHOLD_TIMEOUT should be used.

QR code system 

Use cases  

  • QR code for each product 

Have a separate web page for each of the products and want customers to get to that exact page when scanning the QR code? Then, this option is just for you. Attach QR code next to each product, which customers can scan and get to the page with the product description. 

  • QR code for a category of products 


  1. Click Add number

  2. Enter *wair*

  3. Add the below Dialplan applications:

    • Set -> Codecs -> choose alaw

    • (optional) Set -> Tags -> enter tag name, e.g. wair click

    • Set -> Music on hold -> choose silence
      In case you don’t set Music on hold silent, when there is only one person in the broadcast, there would be the default music on hold instead of silence.

    • Set -> Language -> choose language

    • Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

    • Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. 

      wair-dialplan.pngImage Added

Note: In case of using ChatGPT, you may also need to include relevant ChatGPT procedure in the *wair* Dialplan entry. Documentation:


Note: If you need to set up multiple x-hoppers broadcasts, you need to create separate Dialplans, rather than modifying users Dialplan. Example:

x-hoppers-multiple-broadcasts.pngImage Added

Each x-hoppers Dialplan should contain both Wairhotline and wair strings described above.

Joining the Broadcast from Other Devices

Wildix desk phones can also join the broadcast, as long as they are connected to the same PBX. There are two options:

  • A user should dial the feature code for Conference access (98 by default) + the conference room number. Example: 981 for conference room number 1.

  • Alternatively, a Dialplan can be configured so that when users dial a certain number, e.g. 333, the call is automatically put into the broadcast.



Documentation: Dialplan Applications - Admin Guide.

QR code system 

Use cases  

  • QR code for each product 

Have a separate web page for each of the products and want customers to get to that exact page when scanning the QR code? Then, this option is just for you. Attach QR code next to each product, which customers can scan and get to the page with the product description. 

  • QR code for a category of products 

If you have a huge store, rather than attaching QR code to every single product, you can opt for using one QR code for a category of products. In this case, you can place the code in each row in your store, to be easily found by customers.  


When the feature is enabled, whatever is told in the conference is automatically transcribed and displayed in x-bees conversation, so managers could monitor what was discussed in the conference.


Note: If user talks for more than 60 seconds without a pause, the message is not transcribed.


Current limitation: Messages to x-hoppers broadcast with transcription of in-store conversations enabled should not be longer than 3 minutes.


Tip: You can use x-bees feature AI Assistant to get a quick AI-generated summary of what was going on in the broadcast during the day (documentation:

  1. Create a new custom command, named e.g. “Conversation today” (check the “Create a New Command” section of the guide for instructions)

  2. Write the necessary instructions in the Prompt field, e.g. “Summarize the conversation for the last 24 hours and break it into what each user said. Provide bullet points underneath each user”.
    Running the command you’ve created, you can get a brief summary of conversations in the broadcast during the day.

How to increase volume for noisy environments


Note: The support starts from WMS Beta 6.03.20230601.1.

In case of noisy environment, you can increase x-hoppers volume. To do this, add the following parameters to the section [default_bridge] of the file /etc/callweaver/confbridge.conf:

Code Block

Where 6 is the preferred volume. The maximum value is 10. The default value for both parameters is 0.

How to modify the timeout of broadcast mute

Starting from WMS 6.06.20240315.1, users have possibility to mute the broadcast by double-pressing the Call button. By default, the broadcast gets muted for 60 seconds. If user wants to unmute the broadcast before the 60-second timeout, user can double-press the Call button again. 

The default timeout can be customized. To do this:

  1. Add the following line to the file /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf: 

Code Block
# nano-tiny /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf

Where 120 is the custom timeout. If you want to disable the timeout, set the value to 0:

Code Block
  1. Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

Code Block
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Note: For WMS versions prior to 6.07, instead of XHOP_UNHOLD_TIMEOUT, the parameter UNHOLD_TIMEOUT should be used.

How to enable battery level announcement

In case of using voice authorization (documentation: How to set up Voice Authorization for x-hoppers), the announcement about battery level is played by default. If you don’t use voice authorization, but want to play the announcement, you can configure it via Dialplan:

  1. Add Set application -> battery_level -> ${CURL(${BASE64_ENCODE(${SIP_HEADER(User-Agent)})})}

  2. Add Custom application -> ExecIf($["${battery_level}"=""]?Set(battery_level=unavailable))

  3. Add Play sound application -> Battery level is ${battery_level}


Note: The support starts from WMS Beta 6.03.20230601.1.

In case of noisy environment, you can increase x-hoppers volume. To do this, add the following parameters to the section [default_bridge] of the file /etc/callweaver/confbridge.conf:

Code Block


from WMS 6.07.20240806.1.

Other features

ChatGPT Integration


x-hoppers allows to configure voice authorization for assigning headsets to users. When enabled, the system compares the voice of the user with user voices previously saved in the system and in case of a match, allows authorisation, eliminating the risk of user logging in under a different nameof a match, allows authorisation, eliminating the risk of user logging in under a different name.


Push-to-talk for mobile

The feature allows to send Push-to-talk messages to x-hoppers broadcast from mobile.


Make announcements to users of specific Departments

In case you need to make announcement in the broadcast to users of specific Departments only, check out the guide How to Make Announcement to Users of Specific Departments

x-hoppers integration with Veesion



Push-to-talk for mobile





Make announcements to users of specific Departments


integration with Flic buttons

By integrating x-hoppers with Flic, it is possible to use the Flic button as a help point trigger. When the button is pressed, broadcast users receive an audible alert indicating that assistance is needed at a particular location, which allows to promptly handle the customer's support requests.

Documentation: How to set up x-hoppers integration with Flic