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This document provides an overview of customizable x-hoppers settings.

Created: November 2024


Table of Contents


To set up multiple x-hoppers broadcasts, you need to create separate Dialplans:Each

  • Navigate to x-hoppers admin -> Dialplan menu, Dialplan rules tab and and make sure each x-hoppers Dialplan


  • contains both *Wairhotline* and *wair




Control x-hoppers headsets charging behaviour


Enable battery level announcement

In case of using voice authentication feature, the battery level announcement is played by default. If you don’t use this feature, but want to notify users on the battery level, you can configure it via Dialplan. Add the following applications to *Wairhotline* called number:

  1. Set -> battery_level -> ${CURL(${BASE64_ENCODE(${SIP_HEADER(User-Agent)})})}

  2. Custom application -> ExecIf($["${battery_level}"=""]?Set(battery_level=unavailable))

  3. Play sound -> Battery level is ${battery_level}


You have the option to enable the logic of notifying a user that a headset is unmuted. By default, it is disabled. Once enabled, a user is notified when he is unmuted and talking, as soon as the specified timeout is reached. Example: the timeout is 60 seconds; user hears a beep in case he has been talking for 60 seconds and the headset was unmuted. There are no alerts in case the headset is unmuted, but no talking is detected.

To enable the feature:

  • Access the following file via SSH as root

    Code Block
  • Add the following line to the file

    Code Block


Where ‘u_unmuted’ is the name of the file placed in the 00000 folder on the PBX. 

  • Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

    Code Block
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Increase volume for noisy environments


  • Access the following file via SSH as root:

    Code Block
    nano-tiny /etc/callweaver/confbridge.conf
  • Add the following parameter to the section [default_bridge]

    Code Block

Where 6 is the preferred volume. The maximum value is 10. The default value is is 0.


  1. Add the following line to the file /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf: 

    Code Block


  1. nano-tiny /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf

Where 120 is the custom timeout. If you want to disable the timeout, set the value to 0 :

Code Block
  1. Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes :

    Code Block


  1. systemctl daemon-reload


    systemctl restart pbx-data-engine